
Cooling solutions for high-speed spindles and wire cutting machines

(一)、Precision water coolers for high-speed spindles:

Selection method
(1)、Temperature of the body of water:Spindle cooling water temperature should be controlled at about 25°C;
(2)、Water pressure:Spindle cooling requires a water supply pressure of about 0.2 MPa;
(3)、Calculation of heating power of electric spindle: P heat = P motor·η P heat - spindle heat generation kW P motor - spindle drive motor power kW η - spindle heat loss efficiency For high speed spindles the heat loss η = 30% can be calculated.(Generally, the value of η=30% for domestic spindles and η=25% for Taiwan spindles.,German, Swiss and Japanese spindles take the value η = 20 per cent.)。
typical example:The spindle motor of a machine tool has a power of 11kW.,Maximum speed 30,000rpm,
Try to estimate the heat generation of machine tool spindle: P heat = 11 x 30 per cent = 3.3 kW
SCW-1.5C in the water temperature of 25 ℃, ambient temperature of 30 ℃ when the cooling capacity of 3.8kw, greater than the spindle heating power of 3.3KW, fully meet the use of requirements; in the water supply pressure of 0.2MPa, the flow rate of 23L/min.

(二)、Precision water cooler for low-speed walking wire EDM wire cutting machine:

1、Selection method:
(1)、Calculation of heating power based on installed power: P heat = η - P loaded electricity
P-heat - heat generation kW
P loaded power - loaded power kW
η - heat loss efficiency
η ≈ 20% for a typical low-speed wire EDM machine.。
(2)、Extrapolation of the heating power from the rate of increase of water temperature in the working tank
P heat = CP -m-ΔT/t
P heat - heating power KW
1 kW =860 kcal/h
1 kcal/h =1.16x10-3 KW
CP ———Constant pressure specific heat capacity KJ/Kg·℃
Constant pressure specific heat capacity of water 4.18 KJ/Kg·℃
m——Total volume of water in the tank kg
ΔT——Temperature rise per unit time ℃
T(t)——times S
times:The total volume of water in the working fluid tank of a low-speed EDM wire cutting machine is 400kg.,Water temperature rose from 25°C to 29°C in 40 minutes during normal operation。
Chillers are selected as follows: P-heat= 4.18×400×(29-25)/(40×60)=2.79 kW The cooling capacity of the precision water cooler should be greater than the heating capacity of the20%,OptionalMCW-35AmaybeMCW-35BSpecification water cooler。
2、Connection schematic:

Classifier for sums of money:

1、Precision water coolers when connected to equipment,It is recommended that a filter be added to the water system,See above for mounting location details。

2、Precision water coolers should be used in well ventilated,No dust and corrosive gases,A place free of debris around the equipment。
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